Medical to the remote

This Blog is all about the work of God. Nothing we do is without the knowledge of our Father. He is the soul provider for everything we do.
We are Mordegai, Toinette, Suzaan, Gideon, and Anton Rossouw from Namibia-Africa. . This Blog is all about our lives here in Cambodia while Suzaan works in South Africa. We are real Farmers from Africa and we love life and what it has to offer and enjoy it day by day.

Mordegai travels to remote villages, doing much needed medical work , where no other doctors go, with local pastors.

Gideon is no longer with us but Anton will finish this year with Grade 12. .Toinette joins FGC Community Link Cambodia to the villages close by, teaching local children in an after school setting and also women about Health Issues in a village setting.

We consider us Asians as we live such a long time in Asia, eating rice as a staple food and not meat......

Our motto in life comes from a dear friend:

With common sense and God we
can accomplish a lot

Robin Wales

Monday, January 27, 2025

Monday night prayers 27 Jan. 2025


It seems like the moment you talk about going out and baptizing people or planting a church, something always happens. We were supposed to be in the bush this last week but every one of us fell ill, even poor Dim got ill. We had to reschedule and will go in 2 weeks. Like they say”” Come hell or high water, we will go”. The longer we stay away the more difficult it becomes for the poor people that started their new journey with the Lord. The pressure is on them as all the people are watching them. Pray with us that these girls (mostly women) will stand strong in spite of what happens. Please pray for Greg's team here. All of them are still getting better. Pray for Dim as he needs to lead us all and I saw he posted pictures of a lot of meds he is taking.

We have Kerri, who stayed in Cambodia 12 years ago, here with us. She and Toinette visited until late at night, and it was like good medicine to have her here with us. She will leave tomorrow, and then the team from Greg will come for the week. Now our house is too small for them all, and all of them need to be in the hotel. Then another friend came over for the Chinese New Year, so we got lots of visitors these days. Good to spend some quality time with some good friends.

Meanwhile, Anton is with our good friend Sunny and his family for CNY. We are getting updates only about some delicious foods as it’s customary to eat good food in this time of celebrations. God is so amazing to provide such good friends over all these years. We are truly experiencing the provision of the Lord in this time of our lives. If there were any doubts of us being in Asia for all these years, this alone resolves that.

Please continue to pray for Etienne: Today felt quite overwhelming as we visited our surgeon who will be operating on my dad. He explained to us that he plans on removing the bottom part of my dad’s esophagus and the top part of his stomach completely, and stitching the remaining parts together. He was very pleased overall at how much my dad’s cancer has shrunk and responded to treatment, but emphasized that this is a very big operation and wants to make sure that my dad is healthy before the operation. As a result we saw a lung doctor as well as an ear, throat, and nose doctor. Both doctors did not find anything of major concern, although my dad is still fighting his cold from last week, and so they prescribed some antibiotics and cough medicine for my dad.

Next Wednesday (January 29), my dad will go in for a chest x-ray and some blood tests and if all looks well surgery will be on January 31, but it may be delayed if my dad is not healthy. Recovery will most likely be 1 day in the intensive care unit and about a week further in the hospital, and we’re not exactly sure what it would look like after that.

Please pray for my dad though, as this was a lot of information to process and the idea of such a big surgery is scary. Also please pray for healing for my dad from his cold. And please pray for favor with our medical insurance as we learned today that there is a possibility they will only cover part of the cost of the operation.

Thanks for everybody's prayers.


This is a mouthful. Thanks for praying with us. May the Lord bless you all in this week to come and may the heavens open up with very much rain down South in Namibia.




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