Medical to the remote

This Blog is all about the work of God. Nothing we do is without the knowledge of our Father. He is the soul provider for everything we do.
We are Mordegai, Toinette, Suzaan, Gideon, and Anton Rossouw from Namibia-Africa. . This Blog is all about our lives here in Cambodia while Suzaan works in South Africa. We are real Farmers from Africa and we love life and what it has to offer and enjoy it day by day.

Mordegai travels to remote villages, doing much needed medical work , where no other doctors go, with local pastors.

Gideon is no longer with us but Anton will finish this year with Grade 12. .Toinette joins FGC Community Link Cambodia to the villages close by, teaching local children in an after school setting and also women about Health Issues in a village setting.

We consider us Asians as we live such a long time in Asia, eating rice as a staple food and not meat......

Our motto in life comes from a dear friend:

With common sense and God we
can accomplish a lot

Robin Wales

Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday night prayers 22 October 2018

Attended the 25th celebration of Asian Outreach Cambodia and had a lot of fun. It was good to listen to testimonies from various people on what happened over all these years and I must say that AOC did well. I could hang out with some good friends and enjoyed quality time with them which we not do every day. Pray with us for AOC Cambodia as they reaching, empowering and equipping the next generation of leaders in Cambodia.

I took some time to visit also my favourite Leper Anti. I was shocked to see how bad her foot looks this time. So sad that she is so close to town and that nobody wants to clean her wound. In everybody’s defence I must also say that she is not the easiest to deal with. She firmly believes that her traditional way is much better than the medicine we give her. Her meds is some special wood that they boil and she put the water over the wound. Obviously it is not working but they still believe in it. I got hold of all her meds and could see that she not even drink her meds for Leprosy. Slowly but surely her foot is rotting off and there is nothing we can do about it. Sad case.

When my friends, Gordon and Bee heard that I was in Banlung they ask if I can come with their visiting medical team from Thailand to the village to do some Acupuncture. It was great working with my good friend James as well as Gordon. Such people are hard to find. Seeing James with the people is so refreshing. It is rare to see how tribal people love someone as they love James. He is a real Legend in these areas. An old anti from another church came to help translate and later gave me a bag full of dried bananas and I ask why she did it? She said that we helped her daughter, who is Special Needs, many years ago and she is now in Phnom Penh, doing good. Forgot about that one but just shows that our actions stay with people. God is good in reminding us to give off ourselves, more than we can afford.

Please continue to pray for Deon Botha. He is still very painful and tired and he struggle to lie down. Pray for healing and rest.

Let us pray also for our fellow missionaries. I had to listen again how missionaries tried to undermine each other in order to take over their work. Pray that the devil will not get a stronghold in hearts that was once pure. This is not the first time that someone shares this to me. Remembering it is all about God’s Glory, we can help fellow missionaries or friends to accomplish their goal, even if we don’t get recognition or cannot put our name there to raise more support.

Update from Twans
The parents and children gathered today to sign a contract with our NGO of partnership in their children’s education for the next schoolyear. Our director, Angela, encouraged the parents and shared with them how we can all help our children to grow and develop, not just academically but also becoming better people with values. The students shared what they have learned this year in our ACTS program.
Please pray for our ACTS Amazing Race this Friday. The Khmer new school year starts next week so we have a fun day Friday. Please pray for safety and all will go well.
The Grade 12 group that graduated and is now sponsored by the NGO for university is doing very well and growing in their relationship with Jesus. Please pray for my Gr 11 students, they don’t know Jesus as their personal saviour yet. Their names are: Sakhav, Davin, Sreynak, Sengheang and Reaksa.

This piece that we read with the boys remind me again that we also need to stick with God.
I’ll never forget the trouble, the utter lostness, the taste of ashes, the poison I’ve swallowed.
I remember it all—oh, how well I remember— the feeling of hitting the bottom.
But there’s one other thing I remember, and remembering, I keep a grip on hope:
God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up.
They’re created new every morning.
How great your faithfulness!
I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over).
He’s all I’ve got left.
Lamentations 3:21-23(The Message)

Thank you for your continued prayers with us.

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