Medical to the remote

This Blog is all about the work of God. Nothing we do is without the knowledge of our Father. He is the soul provider for everything we do.
We are Mordegai, Toinette, Suzaan, Gideon, and Anton Rossouw from Namibia-Africa. . This Blog is all about our lives here in Cambodia while Suzaan works in South Africa. We are real Farmers from Africa and we love life and what it has to offer and enjoy it day by day.

Mordegai travels to remote villages, doing much needed medical work , where no other doctors go, with local pastors.

Gideon is no longer with us but Anton will finish this year with Grade 12. .Toinette joins FGC Community Link Cambodia to the villages close by, teaching local children in an after school setting and also women about Health Issues in a village setting.

We consider us Asians as we live such a long time in Asia, eating rice as a staple food and not meat......

Our motto in life comes from a dear friend:

With common sense and God we
can accomplish a lot

Robin Wales

Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday night prayers 14 August 2023


Good evening all

Sorry for not writing in such a long time. Our holiday came to an end and so our communications are up and running again. We made it back home but still, we get caught off guard with jet lag. Seems that it is worse every time we come back from Namibia.


Namibia this time of the year is such a blessing, cold in the nights and mornings and pleasant otherwise. We soaked up the cold after a hot season here in Cambodia and really enjoy sleeping under blankets that are kinda foreign to us by now. I think I am cured of eating too much meat, hahahaha joking but believe me, even I was asking for some vegetables later on. Forget that people back home love their meat so much. Not even to say about our poor bodies that took the pleasures of all the good cooking we had to endure.


Visits with our 2 beloved oumas were sweet. Ouma Paula lives at the coast and we did it Asian style in a one-bedroom apartment in the Old age home. Living with the old people was so much fun. Ouma is doing better right now but she is pretty frail because of the cancer. She definitely is a trooper and not shy to cook the best meals ever. Staying so close together in a small place is such a blessing as we bumped into each other a lot and that makes for hugging pretty special. Definitely will miss this place.

Ouma Matra is staying with my sister Elizma and if you stay there you know you gonna eat till you drop. These guys love to braai meat and eat late. Visiting with my family is always fun and very loud. My family is a loud bunch whereas Toinette’s family is much softer. We visited with our brothers and sisters and we really had a great time.

Suzaan came and visit as well. That was so sweet of her to visit us all. She is such a beautiful lady now and we so love her. It was such a blessing for all of us to be together again. I always thank the Lord that we can have a beautiful relationship and so see my children with us together in harmony.


Please pray for Ouma Matra as she ended up in the hospital with Pneumonia. We greeted her in hospital but as we took our first flight she was out again.

Pray for Ouma Paula as she battles her cancer. Pray that she will get strength and pray for the pain that is in her bones.

Pray for Anton as he starts Grade 12. This year will be a year of many choices as we need to choose what he will do after school.

Pray for us as a family as we will tackle this part of our journey in Cambodia.


We love to hear from you all. Thank you for praying for us.

Rossouw clan


1 comment:

Vicki Dueck said...

So glad to read your report of time with family & friends!! We’ll be praying for your continued journey in Cambodia & for this big year of decision-making for Anton.