Medical to the remote

This Blog is all about the work of God. Nothing we do is without the knowledge of our Father. He is the soul provider for everything we do.
We are Mordegai, Toinette, Suzaan, Gideon, and Anton Rossouw from Namibia-Africa. . This Blog is all about our lives here in Cambodia while Suzaan works in South Africa. We are real Farmers from Africa and we love life and what it has to offer and enjoy it day by day.

Mordegai travels to remote villages, doing much needed medical work , where no other doctors go, with local pastors.

Gideon is no longer with us but Anton will finish this year with Grade 12. .Toinette joins FGC Community Link Cambodia to the villages close by, teaching local children in an after school setting and also women about Health Issues in a village setting.

We consider us Asians as we live such a long time in Asia, eating rice as a staple food and not meat......

Our motto in life comes from a dear friend:

With common sense and God we
can accomplish a lot

Robin Wales

Monday, November 26, 2018

Monday night prayers 26 November 2018

Construction Zone did church yesterday. This is the young people of our church.
Isaac read a scripture that he torn the paper in half. Hilarious watching this cutie reading. With a big smile this small Khmer kid read the verse.
We listened to Francis Chan bringing the message via internet/youtube. Yip we moved up the tech-line hahaha. Just because the youth did it, we had to go high tech.
Jerry shared about fellowship and how we must work together. He was talking about church being like a string but all strings need to work together as one, then we are stronger.
Anton explained to us The Communion and that we need to be dead serious when we do this. He talked about breaking bread, how we shouldn’t mess about and how we need to get right with other first.
Paul talked about why we should pray, what happens when we pray and what we can pray about. He then explained snowball prayers and we had a go. We had to throw a bundled up prayer item in the middle and picked up another and pray for it.
Hosea helps with giving out pens as well as with Jerry’s demonstration of how much better it is if we all work together.
After all a wonderful time in church. We praise God for Fiona Thomas that encourages our children to be bolder. Let’s pray for our children to be more bold in sharing the good news to others. It is becoming more and more the norm to be non-christian related. I believe our children are under a lot of pressure to stand up for their faith.

This week is going to be a very special week. Our daughter Suzaan is coming to visit on the 29th, this Thursday. Cannot wait to have fellowship with her and enjoy a real family Christmas together. Pray for her safe travels.

My good friend Sonny, from Malaysia , is also bringing a team to come and minister with FGC. Pray for a fruitful time here in Siem Reap as well as open hearts to listen to the message of God. Pray also for safe journey. They will be here on Wednesday.

Please pray for Deon Botha. His wife reports that he started work again today. He is still not completely healed so please pray that the Lord will restore him completely.

Not sure if all of you follows the news. Last week this happened on one island near India. Amazing that there are still such isolated tribes still in the world. I know that there will be different views on this as we all think different. But this is real missionary material. If we look at the missionaries from long back we see things like this happened. Just go and read “ Lords of the Earth by Don Richardson “ and you know what I am talking about.
Indian officials are facing a difficult task to retrieve the body of an American missionary reportedly killed by an endangered tribe in the Andaman and Nicobar islands.
A police boat faced off with Sentinelese tribesmen on Saturday but withdrew to avoid confrontation. John Allen Chau was said to have been killed with arrows when he landed on North Sentinel. He was trying to convert the protected people to Christianity.
The fishermen who ferried Chau, 27, to North Sentinel on 17 November said they saw tribesmen drag a body along a beach and bury it.
The fishermen later accompanied police back to the point on the island where they believed the body was buried. Six fishermen and one other person have been arrested over the incident.
On Saturday, police stationed their boat about 400m (437 yards) offshore and, using binoculars, saw tribesmen on the beach armed with bows and arrows. Regional police chief Dependra Pathak told Agence France-Presse: "They stared at us and we were looking at them." The boat then withdrew.
"We have mapped the area with the help of these fishermen. We have not spotted the body yet but we roughly know the area where he is believed to be buried," Mr Pathak said.
Outsiders are banned from even approaching the island so as to protect the people who live there, and their way of life.
The complete isolation of the Sentinelese people means contact with the outside world could put them at risk, as they are likely to have no immunity to even common illnesses such as flu and measles.
The tribesmen have treated outsiders with hostility for years. In 2006, two fishermen were killed and their bodies placed on bamboo stakes, Mr Pathak said. Those bodies were recovered but fears remain that Chau's may never be retrieved.
A murder case has been registered against unknown persons but it has not been suggested tribesmen will face any charges.
Chau's family have said they forgive those who killed him.
The point I want to make is this. After this attack this came up in Facebook, “Man Martyred; Facebook Erupts in Anti-Christian Hatred” Facebook erupted over the incident is nothing short of stunning. The BBC’s post on it had 5,600 comments under it just seven hours after publication. The anti-Christian tone runs cruel. Here’s a sample:
Haha good riddance. Leave them alone.
God acts in mysterious ways…
They sent him to Jesus… we must be happy about it.
I can but hope he was an American Evangelical.
They nipped that s**t right in the bud!
I wish all indigenous cultures did this. They may have survived.
Honestly not even sad about this. Gosh however has this tribe survived so long without jesus in their hearts
We should have done that here!
(The words inside “< >” are text translations of emojis.)
I ran a sample of comments, choosing 100 selected randomly out of the first 750 or so (it’s beastly hard to get to large numbers of Facebook comments). The blatant, laughing cruelty you see above showed up in about 1 out of 8 comments in that sample. It’s probably a good representation of the whole.
Smug Satisfaction
Two-thirds of all comments expressed smug satisfaction over the man’s death. Examples:
Why can’t we respect another human and their choice of life. What do you get? Keep your believes to yourself and God.
Why didn’t his god protect him?
Imagine that, another self righteous “christian” goes where he is not wanted or needed and in fact has been told to leave it alone, and something bad happens. And these people will be feared now when they are the ones who are scared•
How come his god didn’t protect him? Hm
Should have minded his own business.
They have done what he says: they sent him to heaven
About a quarter of the comments echoed the “mind your own business” theme you see in some of the above.
This wasn’t on some atheist website, mind you, where that kind of attitude is likely to be over-represented. This was on the BBC’s Facebook page.
It’s another picture of the world we live in, especially online. They accuse Christians of hatred, then this kind of thing happens.

 This truly makes for a good discussion. Please let me know what you think. As I say, we all have different views.
Leave you on this note, may this week be a blessing for you all and may we become bolder in speaking the TRUTH.

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