Medical to the remote

This Blog is all about the work of God. Nothing we do is without the knowledge of our Father. He is the soul provider for everything we do.
We are Mordegai, Toinette, Suzaan, Gideon, and Anton Rossouw from Namibia-Africa. . This Blog is all about our lives here in Cambodia while Suzaan works in South Africa. We are real Farmers from Africa and we love life and what it has to offer and enjoy it day by day.

Mordegai travels to remote villages, doing much needed medical work , where no other doctors go, with local pastors.

Gideon is no longer with us but Anton will finish this year with Grade 12. .Toinette joins FGC Community Link Cambodia to the villages close by, teaching local children in an after school setting and also women about Health Issues in a village setting.

We consider us Asians as we live such a long time in Asia, eating rice as a staple food and not meat......

Our motto in life comes from a dear friend:

With common sense and God we
can accomplish a lot

Robin Wales

Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday night prayer 30 April 2018

I took my good friend John Glason on a trip to show him what we are doing. First we stopped in Thor Piang Rosey to do some needed medical. It’s a long time since I had so many sick children. 

One girl that I helped a while ago, with really bad Conjunctivitis, came to say hello. I was amazed that God restored her eyes perfectly. Just shows you that we need to be in the right place at the right time. We could pray for people and even had some serious wounds to handle, all around a great day.

We then went into the bush with the truck all the way to Rum Jopon. It was rough but we enjoyed it. Still in this dry season, people are struggling with Malaria. It is just so nice to see familiar faces and the laughs and smiles when we come there. Pastor Chi, John’s father came with us and he could visit with the people. They were glad to see him again and I must say it was good to see them visiting and talking about Jesus.

In the meantime, John Glason was busy with his drone to shoot some video of the area and trying to get footage of what we are trying to do. He will make us a video and then we can share it with you guys.

My friend Manus Olivier started with his Radiaton in Cape Town. He say that 2 is finished and only 18 to go still. The flu hit him hard and he is pretty sick but like I know my friend, he is in good spirits.

Praise the Lord that the bone scans of Quinton Calitz, Toinette’s youngest brother, is negative for cancer. He need to wait 6 weeks and then they can do the Prostatectomy. Pray that the cancer will not spread further and pray for encouragement in this difficult time.

Please continue for Fe.
Journey update:
April 23, 2018
Journey Update: RADIATION STARTS...
This is another hill to climb on my journey to recovery. While having my chemo, I need to have 25 days of Radiation( daily except weekends). The treatment was easy for my body to accommodate but the rigors of travelling to and fro the hospital, plus leaving my two boys by themselves,makes it more challenging.
Yesterday, the long wait for my turn and enduring the hot summer breeze(40 •C) worn me out before i was served. Yet, I thank God that He is faithful in providing me and more than 80 cancer patients waiting, Grace to endure.I know this is hard but I am positive that we could surmount God's grace.
Thankful that my husband Noel was with me.
Some were asking me, how was the radiation done? After talking to different patients, i learned that each case is treated differently.
I was made to lie down on a table( smaller than an operating table) over me was like a round machine ( like a suspended light during operation) but i wasn't sure if the laser kind of light was from there. I closed my eyes most of the time and i was asked not to move even a bit because the light has to be targetted on the marked portion of my operation. My left hand was up behind my head holding onto a steel handle. Then when i am positioned well, they did the radiation. I could hear the buzzer sound and see the red laser beam on.(like the star warsπŸ˜€πŸ€”?)Got to tell you more after my few shots...
Please pray for strength for me to endure it...for Noel to be in good health too so he could be there for me...for my two boys to be safe and for our financial needs. Thank God for our couple friend, a mentor who provided for Paul and Josh to go to the Camp. To God be the glory!
Radiation:2nd and 3rd day.
I am the last on the list of those more than 80 patients who will undergo radiation everyday. Since I am the newest member of the Breast team, i have to be in the last shift...until some patients in the morning and afternoon completed their treatment.
Last night i had my turn at 11pm...oh my, I was the last person to close the department..😁! We came before 4pm and waited. Patience is a virtue...indeed! I appreciate God's grace that is sufficient for me, we waited until i had my turn.
Today, i thought we could take our chance, i should be at the hospital early so i might be given a chance to be served . Praise God! timely, one patient was not around so i was taken in. I had my turn at 4:30pm. God is good!
Radiation Effect??? just feeling a bit tired at my lower back.. wanting to sleep more but struggles to put myself in a deep sleep.
Appreciate you all for being there..Thank you for all your prayers.
oh by the way, i got a chance to take a photo of the radiation table..

At this moment we are waiting for the team from Prayer Circles Cambodia to arrive here for dinner. These guys travel all over Cambodia in prayer and encourage believers wherever they go and that all on bikes. Pray for them as they hid the road again tomorrow. Pray for safety on these horrible roads.

God's laws and principles are always for our protection, health, and wellbeing - not to limit us, inhibit our freedom, or force our obedience.
The Daniel Dilemma" (How to Stand Firm & Love Well in a Culture of Compromise) - Chris Hodges


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