What a week went by. I thought I have seen and hear it all but was amazed again this week. Met up with local friends and had to hear their frustration with a visiting team of doctors that came and do missions here in Cambodia. Now we talk about the Big Boys Club and as expected, they handled the locals like servants. How many times will we see this again. ??? When it was time to go, they gathered all the expired drugs for a gift to a poor missionary that is working here. The rest of all the fancy drugs have to go back to Phnom Penh and stay in the office till they decide to visit again, how long, nobody knows. Now we all know how much medicines are rotting in boxes in NGO's offices and never get the chance to bless people that really needs it, cause there are not trained people on the ground to dispense these drugs. Nor do they think that anybody else than themselves know what to do with all these precious drugs.
Newsflash!!!!! I asked one uncle, why they only want to give the expired drugs?? Simple he says:""It's call Charity."" Yip, friends that is the true reality that we are facing here. In the end the uncle got in trouble as he just loaded all the left over meds in my car and said I need to go. The leader of the pack was furious as I was not qualified to give out these drugs. It is better for it to rot in the office. I was on the point to say something, but also learned my lesson. Did as Twans always say:"" Smile and say, YES.""
Makes me think why we need to deal with pumpkins like this. Can't they just come and do the work and enjoy themselves, respect the people they work with and not being so selfish? In the name of Jesus they come and do much more harm than good. Treat people like dirt in order to fulfill their own agenda. I felt sorry for my friends, but what can we do??
Please pray for Dave van Rooyen. He is currently in Battambang to get a biopsy on his Thyroid. They found some nodules inside and need to examine it. Pray for him to have peace in what the end result will be and for safety as they will do the procedure. Will keep you in the loop on what is happening.
Well our bags are not packed yet and we leave in 2 days. Wednesday morning is the time. We cannot wait to go back home and just relax with family. For the first time in 20 years, I, Mordegai, is ready to go home for a break. Not even to mention Toinette and the children. A real Christmas will be treat this year as this will be the first in Africa for the boys and the first in 20 years for us. Asian Christmas are just not the same than Family Christmas...... Pray for us as we will travel far and wide. We will see Suzaan for 3 weeks and we are very or may I say super excited.
We thank God for sparing Suzaan for 25 years, yesterday. Cannot think that my small little cuty is already such a big girl.
So we will see some of you at home and hope to visit you. Decembers are busy and not many people at home, hope to see some of you at the coast then.
May God bless you all in the week to come.
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