Medical to the remote

This Blog is all about the work of God. Nothing we do is without the knowledge of our Father. He is the soul provider for everything we do.
We are Mordegai, Toinette, Suzaan, Gideon, and Anton Rossouw from Namibia-Africa. . This Blog is all about our lives here in Cambodia while Suzaan works in South Africa. We are real Farmers from Africa and we love life and what it has to offer and enjoy it day by day.

Mordegai travels to remote villages, doing much needed medical work , where no other doctors go, with local pastors.

Gideon is no longer with us but Anton will finish this year with Grade 12. .Toinette joins FGC Community Link Cambodia to the villages close by, teaching local children in an after school setting and also women about Health Issues in a village setting.

We consider us Asians as we live such a long time in Asia, eating rice as a staple food and not meat......

Our motto in life comes from a dear friend:

With common sense and God we
can accomplish a lot

Robin Wales

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday night prayers 26 Oct.2015

Must say that being at home has also its downs. Laying most of the time on my back and my leg up in the air, seems like fun, but believe me its not. I am out and about in the mornings but need to rush home as it swells up a lot and I need to lay with ice. Sitting here now with my leg on another chair, not so comfy like you want to have it. Well its time again that God bring me out of the comfort zone and show me that I can be useful around home. What useful, most of the time I am on my back. Well at least I am trying. 
Tomorrow I will make my way down to Phnom Penh to go and see the doctor again. My bloodtest is not looking great and I need to let him see my leg. Pray for a smooth ride. I will take a taxi van down and booked 2 seats to give my leg a rest. Pray for Twans and the boys that will stay behind in Siem Reap. 

Please pray for Cambodia. Like my friend is saying:""Never a dull moment in this place." Pray for peace and stability as rumours of war is in the air again. The election is still far off but the politicians are already gearing up ahead of time. Click on the link to read this report.

Seems that the rainy season came to a stop and there was not even close enough rain this year in Cambodia. There will be a huge shortage of food, soon, as the dry season will be here. Pray that we can get a last minute good rain. Know that rain is precious where I come from and know that our beloved Namibia is also needing some rain. 

Thank you for praying for us. God is good and provide for all our needs. Keep in touch.

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