Medical to the remote

This Blog is all about the work of God. Nothing we do is without the knowledge of our Father. He is the soul provider for everything we do.
We are Mordegai, Toinette, Suzaan, Gideon, and Anton Rossouw from Namibia-Africa. . This Blog is all about our lives here in Cambodia while Suzaan works in South Africa. We are real Farmers from Africa and we love life and what it has to offer and enjoy it day by day.

Mordegai travels to remote villages, doing much needed medical work , where no other doctors go, with local pastors.

Gideon is no longer with us but Anton will finish this year with Grade 12. .Toinette joins FGC Community Link Cambodia to the villages close by, teaching local children in an after school setting and also women about Health Issues in a village setting.

We consider us Asians as we live such a long time in Asia, eating rice as a staple food and not meat......

Our motto in life comes from a dear friend:

With common sense and God we
can accomplish a lot

Robin Wales

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Monday night prayers 14 October 2024


Good evening everyone

So, at this moment, I tried a million times to phone people and tried various things to get my hacked Facebook account back, but to nothing. So I guess all my contacts and messages are gone with the wind. Well, not to cry over spilled milk, we move on. To top everything off, now they ban me as well. Surprise, not really.

So please, if you want to contact either me or Toinette, please contact us through our email:, on WhatsApp for me: +85577710772 and Toinette: +85585519911, or on Telegram: +85577710772. In the meantime, if you get funny mail from me, please tell me it's not me. I will let you know when things are back to normal. Sorry for this.


We are waiting for Toinette to be here with us tomorrow, Monday local time, at 7 pm. Please pray for her safe journey here. Then in a week on the 20th of October, we will fly from Phnom Pehn to Kuala Lumpur to bring Anton to university. Pray with us for this last week with Anton and all the preparation to get things in place. Pray for us as parents to let go of our little boy.


Latest news from Etienne:

Hi friends, thank you for your continued prayers and support to our family. My dad has been feeling wonderful the last week. His health has been amazing - appetite great, weight good, and energy levels increasing. We are excited for him to get his CT scan next week. He will be going in on Monday for blood tests and to see his doctor, with the CT scan following afterwards. Please stand with us in faith for complete healing, that no cancer would be found in his body.


In our efforts to help the people of the jungle with education, we ran into the greed of people and the mighty power of money. Nothing new but its ugly head sticks out where it hurts. We do not want to build a building as we are not allowed to use wood from the jungle, hmmmm. That will make things very expensive and we are not in a position to do that. Even if we do that it is not a permanent thing. We do not own it. So please pray with us for solutions and open minds in the jungle. It sounds like a simple straightforward thing but greed and power make for a nasty business. We keep you updated.

Thank you for praying with us. I know its Sunday and not Monday but we will not get time tomorrow to write this.



Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday night prayers 7 October 2024


Good evening all you beautiful people

Wow, days flew by so quickly these days that I can't keep track of all the wonderful things we experience these days. With our good friends Malan and his wife, Rene here, we have such great adventures that time is really too short. We wish they could stay here a bit longer.

We went to Phnom Chi on the bikes and they could experience the real Cambodian life outside the city. Being in nature and in the jungle with its beautiful people is just what the doctor ordered. Din and Kimloon came along and they made for such a good outreach. We took the shortcut towards Rum Jopon and then Din gave the group of people a wonderful message out of the word of God. It is such a privilege to stand in the midst of something so wonderful happening in the jungle. For years I was wondering when the days would come for a small group of people to get together and hear the Word of God. It is real now.

Rene helped to give some clothes to the girls while some medicines helped with the headaches, cough, and colds. We also had some glasses there and everyone needed a pair of glasses, not that they could see with them but it looks good, hahaha. We arrived early in Som Poom and could see how they dig for gold. We visited so much with the uncle and anti, which made for a great time. It was good to see the old couple as we could not see them the last time we were in the jungle. We hope to be there again soon.

Tomorrow Malan and Rene will be on their way again to Phnom Pehn and then to Dubai again. Please pray for a safe ride to Phnom Pehn and a safe flight.

Toinette is rounding off her visit to her mum tomorrow as well and the big goodbye will be a big thing. Please pray for strength for Toinette as she needs to say goodbye at such a time. Ouma Paula is doing a bit better after she ended up in hospital this last week due to dehydration. Toinette’s anti is on the way and she will take care of Ouma now that she will not be there. Please pray for Ouma as she is still on the mend. Toinette will be back here in Cambodia on the 14th of October.

News from our friend Etienne: Dear friends and prayer partners, how sweet it has been to be in a season of celebration amidst the challenges of the last few months! My dad has been feeling wonderful - he says the best he has felt in a long time! His appetite is great and he did not develop a fever after his immune booster a few days ago. Our family is eagerly awaiting his CT scan which he will receive either October 15th or 16th, where the doctor will see how effectively the chemo has been fighting the cancer.

We want to ask you to pray for complete healing for my dad, that the CT scan will show up clear with not a trace of cancer left in his body, that surgery would not even be necessary. Often times before Jesus healed someone in the Bible, He would ask them what they wanted Him to do for them, and our heart cry to Him is similar to those in the Bible - we want my dad to be healed. We want to trust in His power and stand in faith. Please continue to stand with us.

Thank you very much for praying with us.



Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday / Tuesday prayer 1 October 2024


Good day you all

Sorry, we visited so much that I totally forgot to write last night. Our good friends Malan and Rene are here all the way from South Africa / China and we visit as if tomorrow never came. We went to pick them up in Phnom Pehn and stayed with Curtis and their family and had a blast. Coming back took us just 10 hours instead of the normal 6 hours, due to extreme traffic this time of the year. Everyone is on the road somewhere to the province due to the Phcum Ben holidays.

Please pray as we make our way down to Kampong Tom to visit Phnom Chi with our friend Din. We will leave on Friday and drive into the jungle. I look forward to seeing the small house church operating and experiencing the beautiful surroundings filled with God’s word. Pray for safety on the roads as everyone in the country is still moving around.

Please pray for Ouma Paula. After the Radiotherapy, she is struggling with her stomach. It damaged her stomach a bit and she is experiencing lots of discomfort at the moment. Toinette is busy packing her things as she will be moved into the Frail Care unit.

Please pray for Abraham and his family as they will make their way to South Africa in 2 days. Pray for travel mercies and effective time in SA. Travelling with children can be a difficult one but they did this before.


I am reminded this morning about my daily verse.

The world is unprincipled. It’s dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn’t fight fair. But we don’t live or fight our battles that way—never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren’t for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 MSG



Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday night prayers 23 September 2024


Good day all

We have such beautiful weather here with rain almost every day. As a dry Southern boy, this is heaven. I wish that some of this rain would move down South towards Namibia where we have such a terrible drought at the moment. Every day now we tick more boxes to prepare for Anton to leave for Malaysia. The good news is that Toinette will be back here with us on the 13th of October and she can help us with the finer details of his travel. Sorry to say but we boys need her badly.

Toinette is doing well; I wish we could say the same for Ouma. Under the circumstances, Ouma is doing very well but the Radiation therapy drains her energy and she is tired all the time. The good news is that she will not get any Chemotherapy. At the moment Toinette is driving down to Swakopmund to start packing up Ouma’s apartment for her to move to the Frail care when there is a place available. Please pray for Toinette and her family to help Ouma Paula in this difficult time.

We are preparing for some dear friends to visit us for 2 weeks. We will go down to Phnom Pehn at the end of the week to pick them up at the airport and then we going to do some stuff with them all around here in Siem Reap and even making a drive to the jungle. Please pray for Anton and I driving to Phnom Pehn at this time of the year.

Some news from our friend Etienne Minnaar. “My dad has been feeling great the last few days. He is feeling strong and his appetite has increased as well. We were supposed to see the gastroenterologist on Thursday to discuss the blood tests looking at my dad’s liver, but unfortunately she has Covid. My dad’s doctor appointment has been moved to Monday, and we are hoping he can get his next round of chemo on Monday too. Please pray for the inflammation and infection markers in my dad’s liver to decrease. Thank you for all your prayers and standing with our family in faith.”


It is Pchum Ben again starting on 1 October and the whole country is moving around, a very busy time and one of the biggest holidays. Please pray for Christians this time of the year as they celebrate this with family.

Pchum Ben, which falls on the 15th day of the 10th Khmer month, begins on October 1 this year and marks the start of a 15-day religious festival in Cambodia. The Cambodian buddhists believe that every year the souls of their ancestors are released for 15 days. Pchum Ben marks the start of the journey of souls to purgatory, that in-between place that is neither heaven nor hell. The course of their journey will be decided by their karma and by the offerings made by their living relatives during Pchum Ben. This festival begins at the end of the Buddhist Lent. During this time, foods are cooked for the monks to generate merits that will benefit the dead.

History of Pchum Ben

The 15-day ceremony of Pchum Ben is a time for Cambodians to honor their previous seven generations of ancestors. The first 14 days are known as “Kan Ben” and during this time families gather at nearby pagodas, offering food and prayers to their ancestors to save them from bad karma. The belief is that deceased relatives wait at the pagodas for their loved ones to return to them.

“Ben Thom” on Day 15 sees families bring baskets full of flowers and children offering sticky rice cake to the monks. This is the main festival day and everyone dresses up for the occasion. Cambodians believe their actions on earth shape their appearance as a ghost after death. By praying and offering food during Pchum Ben, the family is helping their ancestors pass on to a better life as well as ensuring their ancestors don’t get angry and curse them.

The festival dates back to the Middle Ages and is among the most important holidays in Cambodia. Nowadays students and workers will return back to their families to observe Pchum Ben with them and make their offerings.


Thank you very much for standing with us in prayer this time of the year. Cambodia needs prayer this time of the year as this is a really dark time of the year.







Monday, September 16, 2024

Monday night prayers 16 September 2024


Good evening all

This head of mine is not working so well anymore. Too much stuff I need to think about. Anton’s university stuff lies like a big mountain ahead of us and consumes endless time and energy. This week starts the D-day when Gideon got sick; the rest is history. I do not want to think ahead of this week as it’s filled with emotions and whatever.


I took the boys today to see the Gumball 3000 here in Siem Reap. It is a big get-together of racing cars from all over the world but mainly from Thailand that is making the rounds in Cambodia. It is part of the big Tourism drive here. We got rained out but we saw some spectacular cars. There were millions of dollars’ worth of cars in a small place. It is quite a strange feeling to see such richness in a country where you know lots of people barely have money for food.


Din is reporting that he went to Phnom Chi again this Saturday and because his bike broke, he came later. More people were waiting for him there and they were very happy he came. They invited more people to come and listen to the Word of God. Pray with us how we can help Din with a sustainable solution to reach out to these guys. It is a long ride and it costs money and the bikes broke as the roads are terrible. We cannot ignore that and feel that we want to help.


Toinette is busy with Ouma as she is getting treatment in Windhoek. Pray that Ouma will get the strength to continue after her treatment every day.

Continue to pray for our friend Etienne Minnaar as he is struggling with his cancer treatment.


Thank you for all your prayers.



Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday night prayers 9 September 2024


Good evening all your beautiful people

Thank you very much for praying with us for our outreach into the jungle. We really could feel it. This trip turned out to be a big breakthrough for us despite all the problems we encountered. It felt to me that we were under a lot of attacks in order to stop the team to reach the people and sharing the love of Christ with them. We had to remind ourselves that we just needed to press on and God would do the rest, which paid off.

There were 15 of us from the US who joined us as a team. Before we even reached the jungle we had to start doing repairs on some bikes. Time went by quickly as the road was difficult and mechanical problems were rampant. Two times I had to dig deep into the mud to look for my shoes that was stuck, hmm crocs get lost easily. We stopped at our usual places to give medicines and mosquito nets and Curtis and Din could preach to the people. We felt rushed as dark was looming and the weather was bad. Halfway the darkness came and we struggled up the mountain. By this time 2 big bikes were out of action and had to be pulled along in the dark. This really was a test of perseverance for the team and they did great.

A trip that started at 8 am dragged on till 10 pm when we reached Rum Jopon. We had lunch/dinner at 11.30 pm. A new record was set for late lunch. We decided not to continue to our usual sleeping place as it was so late and bikes and people were tired. The next morning everyone came and we had a great time giving medicines and mosquito nets and off course sweets for the children. Curtis and Din did a great job sharing God’s presence with the people. This turned out to be an amazing time with people ready to hear the Gospel. We took an escape route out of the jungle and could enjoy the beauty of the jungle on the way.

Now!! Two days later Din and his cousin went to Rum Jopon again and started a small bible study group. He taught them about the structure of the Bible and why there is an Old and New Testament and taught them 3 songs from the purple hymnal book. Everyone was happy and he will try and go there every Saturday. This is something we already prayed for 15 years to happen and now the time is right, praise God. Pray for Din as he is struggling to raise money for an operation for his father-in-law who is seriously ill in the hospital. They are fighting for his life. Getting ill here makes people even more poor than they can afford.

Toinette is with her mum and she is doing well. They are now busy working on a schedule for treatment for Ouma. Pray that Ouma will get strength in the days to come.

Continue to pray for our friend Etienne Minnaar as he struggles with chemotherapy.

Thank you for praying and even reading this letter. May this week be a great week for you all.



Here is a link to a video being made of the trip by a good friend of ours:


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Monday night prayers 1 September 2024


Good night all you people

Just a quick update on how things are here with the Rossouw boys. Anton said the other night that is not even a week and we already long for Mum. Oh my, this is harder than we thought. That is why we are leaving tomorrow on a trip into the jungle. We will accompany Curtis and a group of 7 guys from the States. In total, there will be about 15 people riding into the jungle. Oh what a joyous occasion that will be, hahaha. Please pray for us riding from here in Siem Reap and the other group from Phnom Penh, we will meet about halfway and travel together then. Pray for open hearts for the Gospel and that we will follow God’s call and not ours.


Toinette is sick with flu while taking care of Ouma Paula, she is doing much better but is still very weak and takes it day by day. By the end of the week they will be going to Windhoek for further treatment. Please pray for both of them to get healed.


Heang is the pastor who will join us in the jungle. Please pray for his father-in-law who is very sick in hospital and it cost them an arm and a leg to keep him there. Pray for his healing in Jesus's name.


Continue to pray for Etienne Minnaar as he battles with his illness. Pray for his family as they need to take care of him.


We still need to get accommodation for Anton. Here is a cool story. When we came to Asia we met Angela in 1996 and from then on we had a flood of friends from Malaysia over these years. After all these years we can tap into this wide friendship to help us get Anton settled in Malaysia. . God knew that time that we need good friends in Malaysia in order to get help later on in life. I just love God’s planning in motion.

Thanks for praying with us all

