Wow, what a Monday. No wonder Jesus ask of us to rest on Sundays, so that we can be fresh to tackle the blue Mondays…… a Toilet that is broken already for 2 weeks and no plumper in sight, ask numerous times for one, it was me to tackle this problem again. It was broken when they originally put it in, so fixing is up to imagination.
Hope all of you had a great Easter celebration. We attended a small reflection evening on the events in the garden of Ps.Ivor. Had a great time listening to scriptures and songs and had time to reflect on Jesus’s sacrifice for us.
A meditation on Good Friday from Malcolm Duncan shared this evening:
The Sun stopped shining.
Darkness didn’t just happen this day
It was sent
like a swathe of sorrow,
a blanket of silent loss
that shrouded the earth.
The cosmos prepared for a moment of burial
How could the sun shine?
The One who held it in place
breathed out His last
and in that moment, creation itself
It’s Sustainer unsustained
in a moment
of utter aloneness
that reverberated
In the heart of God like
This sanguinating spectacle is watched by all.
Gladiator pierced,
the blood-curdling cries of, ‘Crucify!’ fall dumb.
The thirsty priests are satisfied
and turn away,
but at the foot of the cross,
as the life force flows into the soil,
hope is planted
as red seed
after red seed
after red seed
drops into the earth
and begins to germinate.
©Malcolm J Duncan
A fabulous song to reflect on:
Many Cambodian Christians don’t celebrate Passover Friday because it usually occurs around the same time as their most important national holiday Khmer New Year. So unless a foreigner has introduced it to a Khmer Christian, the church is unaware of the "Friday Passover and Resurrection Sunday” significance.
Our prayer for Syria:
Luke 22:42
"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done."
Jesus, thank You so much for the sacrifice you made for us, giving up all, even life itself, to die on the cross, to defeat satan, and to set us free. Jesus, as You prayed to our Father, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” I now pray, “Jesus, not my will but Yours be done.
Jesus, as so many are facing persecution and abandonment, I pray that they will know the price that You paid for them. I pray that they will receive this amazing sacrifice that You have made for them. Jesus, as so many are become disillusioned with Islam and having questions that have no answers, I pray that Muslim Syrians would turn to You and that You would open their minds to the wonderful revelation that their sins are paid for. There is no other but Jesus.
Went up to Stung Treng to pull a few teeth. Not many people came but we are not into numbers. Building good relationships with people is key around here. Sad that we encounter more and more children with Epileptic seizure problems. Sad that people have no means of combating the problem. They do not know what medicines to take and do not have money to buy some. Pray for wisdom in our approach to this problem.
Thank you very much for praying for us. I say that every time but we really need prayer in our daily lives. If you feel like it , share with us your daily problems and we will pray as well.
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